How can you tell the difference between all the fair trade logos?
Hello everyone,
It’s been a couple weeks since I posted on the blog. I hope you’re all keeping well!
It’s still strange times we are living in and I think we all have good days and bad days. Fall is my favourite season so I’ve been enjoying slowing down and staying cozy inside (as if I wasn’t doing that before?!).
This week marks the end of Fair Trade Month- how is it already the end of October? I thought this week I would address one of the questions I get most often: how do you tell the difference between all the fair trade logos?
Every year, an International Guide to Fair Trade Labels is put out. Fair World Project has put it all together in a reference guide to make it easy to understand.
For example, the Food Justice Certification scores well on “fair wages” and “price based on cost of production” but doesn’t pay premiums and isn’t specifically designed to benefit factory workers. The Fair Trade International certification scores an A on these two factors but a B on fair wage and price based on cost of production.
It may seem complex, but at the end of the day I encourage you to take a look through it and decide what’s most important to you when you’re buying a product.
I also have to say- just because a product isn’t certified doesn’t mean it’s unethical (just to add another layer to everything). There are many reasons a company may choose not to become fair trade certified- cost being one of them.
In this case, it’s important to get to know the companies you buy from and ask them those questions. Good On You is a great app that rates popular brands based on their impact on the planet, people, and animals. Or just reach out to brands you love (especially locally) and ask them where their source from and why.
Clear as mud? Good. I’ll leave you with this- the world of fair trade is not simple. What I aim to do with this blog is take information from multiple sources and present it to you in an *easier* to digest way.
Feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or comments! These are my favourite conversations to have. It’s not black and white but a continuing dialogue for us all to have.
What’s most important to you when purchasing something? Vegan? Organic? Fair trade? Zero Waste?
Let me know in the comments below! Have a beautiful week and Happy Halloween!